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Hi my name is Abby Monte I am 18 and I am class of 2022 I'm going to wright state university for early childhood education I am getting sign with the wright state bowling team. I been bowing since I was six and with my 8th grade year I went up to practicing with the high school team and I was on the wayne bowling team on vrisety for all four years. My hightest game is 278 and the wright state coach Jeff show my game and wanted me to come to one of there practing so that why I am getting sign with them wish I started Digtal Desing my frashman year only because I like this class so much I wish I could take all of them but I didn't know it a four part class. I love dogs the two dogs that are show in some of my work and picture of my banner is Bamm-Bamm the one in the blue and grey collier and Pebbles is the one with the pick and purple collier. that my life.
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comic strip in photo shop and InDesign
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song poster InDesign

PhotoShop InDesignamd my life